So what is Power Coaching?
Put simply, it is Mindset Coaching for those within Energy and Power Generation Sectors.
So why these Sectors specifically? Isn't all Coaching the same thing?
In a way, yes it is. But the main difference is me. The Coach himself.
As someone who works within this Sector, I understand my clients pains, ambitions and challenges. As someone who has started from the bottom and worked his way up to Senior Leadership, I have 'walked the walk'.
Now I am here to 'Talk to Talk' and teach you the necessary techniques, skills and develop the unstoppable mindset to overcome the challenges you face.
If you are an Engineer or Supervisor 'on the tools'. I have been there. I have suffered with the fatigue, loss of motivation, loneliness from working away from family and loved ones, lack of real goals that led to unhealthy habits developing.
If you are a Junior or Senior Manager, I have been there also. The overwhelming feeling of tasks coming from all directions. Responsible for everything and feeling in control of nothing. Commercial, Procurement, Business Development, HR, Managing Director, Clients.....the list of people pulling you from pillar to post never ends.
All this leading brain fog, lack of direction and feel of isolation. It can be a lonely place sat in the big seat.
Regardless of your role, working in this industry can lead to increased stress levels, longer working hours, struggles with work-life balance, inability to make decisions with clarity and lack of focus, direction and motivation. Not to mention the long term impact on your health.
3 Reasons Why My Coaching is Effective:
✅️The Right System
A bespoke plan that works in partnership with you to ensure your continued success aligned with your ambitions.
✅️The Right Experience
My Coaching is backed by years of experience in both Technical and Leadership roles within the Energy and Power Generation Sector. I know first hand the challenges you face and assist with navigating these challenges.
✅️The Right Accountability
A coach to hold you accountable to achieve your identified goals to ensure successful results.
It is like a three-legged chair. If you take any one of them out, the chair no longer functions, and it falls.
So if you work with within the Sector, in any role, and feel like Coaching could be for you then get in touch.
I would love to hear from you.
meet the team

Tim Crouch
Founder &
Head power Coach
A passionate leader and coach, Tim is always striving to help people take back control of their lives. From time served in Law Enforcement to his days as a Corporate Senior Leader, Tim possesses extensive experience in the field of Personal Development, Growth and Empowerment.
" Life is not a rehearsal. We have only one opportunity to live the life of our dreams. I am an action-orientated kind of guy. Tomorrow is not an option for me. I live for today!"
Filiz sonat
Coaching co-ordinator
Filiz embodies the spirit and lives the Soul2Goal mindset every day. She is truly passionate about the business and its success. A devoted wife and dedicated parent, Filiz drive and purpose is clear. She is creating the life she deserves by taking control. Filiz is living proof that the Soul2Goal mindset creates extraordinary changes in your life
"Life is not easy. It is a series of seemingly insurmountable tasks. This does not change. What can change is your outlook and perspective. Shift your perspective and it will shift your outcome. Its that simple!"
Certified Coach - The Coach Masters
Certified NLP Coach - The Coach Masters
Chartered Manager - CMI